Master teacher plants
Some of the Master Teacher plants which the Shipibo diet

Many plants are said to be doctors, but Marusa is the whole hospital. Capable of healing anything. This can be a very challenging dieta. Marusa is unyielding and will not tolerate impurity. Her gifts are enormous, but so too are her tests.

Quiet, gentle, shy. Bobinsana teachers that sometimes the only way to break stone is slowly and patiently. She teaches boundaries, but with love.

Chullachakki is known as the trickster of the forest. More an entity than a plant spirit. Chullachakki has been said to shapeshift and lead people astray who have ill intentions. A feisty diet. Expect the unexpected...

Chric Sanango
A male spirit. Chiric is a strong energetic healer. Dieters often find themselves immobilized during the Chiric diet due to the strong nervous system activity. Teaches strength and creativity.

Noya Rao
"Flying tree" - President of the forest. Noya Rao is particularly sacred to the Shipibos. A being of pure light, Noya Rao will teach you compassion and to find your inner truth.